Content of Gonadotropic Hormones and Testosterone in Blood Serum in Patients with Chronic Lung Diseases
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Published: 9 June 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
The assessment of sexual development and the study of the hormonal status in the blood serum in patients with chronic lung diseases (CLD). The study included 140 children with CLD. The results of the study showed a significant difference in the time of the onset of pubertal changes, the intensity of the development of secondary sexual characteristics (VPP), as well as functional disorders in the pituitary gland system, which was characterized by an increase in FSH concentration, a decrease in LH and a decrease in testosterone in boys with CLD. In girls with CLD, there was no significant predominance of FSH levels at the beginning of puberty, the LH content throughout puberty was significantly lower, and the level of estradiol was significantly low in older age groups.
Thus, CLD negatively affects the sexual development of children, which dictates the need to develop certain practical measures in this direction.
Keywords: chronic chronic lung diseases, sexual development, blood hormones.

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How to Cite
Sharipova O.A, MamatkulovaD.Kh, AbdurakhmonovZh.N. (2021-06-09). "Content of Gonadotropic Hormones and Testosterone in Blood Serum in Patients with Chronic Lung Diseases." *Volume 4*, 1, 14-18